a contract to read tokens held in a gauge
function constructor(
address _gaugeAddress,
address _stakerAddress
) public
Name | Type | Description |
_gaugeAddress | address | |
_stakerAddress | address |
function balance() public returns (uint256)
returns the amount of tokens staked by stakerAddress in the gauge gaugeAddress.
function resistantBalanceAndFei() public returns (uint256, uint256)
returns the amount of tokens staked by stakerAddress in the gauge gaugeAddress. In the case where an LP token between XYZ and FEI is staked in the gauge, this lens reports the amount of LP tokens staked, not the underlying amounts of XYZ and FEI tokens held within the LP tokens. This lens can be coupled with another lens in order to compute the underlying amounts of FEI and XYZ held inside the LP tokens.