function paused() external returns (bool)
Reads a list of PCVDeposit that report their amount of collateral and the amount of protocol-owned FEI they manage, to deduce the protocol-wide collateralization ratio.
function constructor(
address _core,
uint256 _validityDuration
) public
CollateralizationOracleWrapper constructor
Name | Type | Description |
_core | address | Fei Core for reference. |
_validityDuration | uint256 | the duration after which a reading becomes outdated. |
function initialize(
address _core,
address _collateralizationOracle,
uint256 _validityDuration,
uint256 _deviationThresholdBasisPoints
) public
CollateralizationOracleWrapper initializer
Name | Type | Description |
_core | address | Fei Core for reference. |
_collateralizationOracle | address | the CollateralizationOracle to inspect. |
_validityDuration | uint256 | the duration after which a reading becomes outdated. |
_deviationThresholdBasisPoints | uint256 | threshold for deviation after which |
keepers should call the update() function. |
function setCollateralizationOracle(
address _newCollateralizationOracle
) external
set the address of the CollateralizationOracle to inspect, and to cache values from.
Name | Type | Description |
_newCollateralizationOracle | address | the address of the new oracle. |
function setDeviationThresholdBasisPoints(
uint256 _newDeviationThresholdBasisPoints
) external
set the deviation threshold in basis points, used to detect if the cached value deviated significantly from the actual fresh readings.
Name | Type | Description |
_newDeviationThresholdBasisPoints | uint256 | the new value to set. |
function setValidityDuration(
uint256 _validityDuration
) external
set the validity duration of the cached collateralization values.
Name | Type | Description |
_validityDuration | uint256 | the new validity duration |
This function will emit a DurationUpdate event from Timed.sol |
function setReadPauseOverride(
bool _readPauseOverride
) external
set the readPauseOverride flag
Name | Type | Description |
_readPauseOverride | bool | the new flag for readPauseOverride |
function setCache(
uint256 _cachedProtocolControlledValue,
uint256 _cachedUserCirculatingFei,
int256 _cachedProtocolEquity
) external
governor or admin override to directly write to the cache
used in emergencies where the underlying oracle is compromised or failing
Name | Type | Description |
_cachedProtocolControlledValue | uint256 | |
_cachedUserCirculatingFei | uint256 | |
_cachedProtocolEquity | int256 |
function update() external
update reading of the CollateralizationOracle
function updateIfOutdated() external
this method reverts if the oracle is not outdated It is useful if the caller is incentivized for calling only when the deviation threshold or frequency has passed
function _update() internal returns (bool)
function _setCache(
uint256 _cachedProtocolControlledValue,
uint256 _cachedUserCirculatingFei,
int256 _cachedProtocolEquity
) internal
Name | Type | Description |
_cachedProtocolControlledValue | uint256 | |
_cachedUserCirculatingFei | uint256 | |
_cachedProtocolEquity | int256 |
function isOutdated() public returns (bool outdated)
function read() external returns (struct Decimal.D256 collateralRatio, bool validityStatus)
Get the current collateralization ratio of the protocol, from cache.
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
collateralRatio | struct Decimal.D256 | the current collateral ratio of the protocol. |
validityStatus | bool | the current oracle validity status (false if any |
of the oracles for tokens held in the PCV are invalid, or if
this contract is paused). |
function isExceededDeviationThreshold() public returns (bool obsolete)
function _isExceededDeviationThreshold(
uint256 cached,
uint256 current
) internal returns (bool)
Name | Type | Description |
cached | uint256 | |
current | uint256 |
function isOutdatedOrExceededDeviationThreshold() external returns (bool)
function pcvStats() external returns (uint256 protocolControlledValue, uint256 userCirculatingFei, int256 protocolEquity, bool validityStatus)
returns the Protocol-Controlled Value, User-circulating FEI, and Protocol Equity. If there is a fresh cached value, return it. Otherwise, call the CollateralizationOracle to get fresh data.
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
protocolControlledValue | uint256 | : the total USD value of all assets held |
by the protocol. | ||
userCirculatingFei | uint256 | : the number of FEI not owned by the protocol. |
protocolEquity | int256 | : the difference between PCV and user circulating FEI. |
If there are more circulating FEI than $ in the PCV, equity is 0. | ||
validityStatus | bool | : the current oracle validity status (false if any |
of the oracles for tokens held in the PCV are invalid, or if
this contract is paused). |
function isOvercollateralized() external returns (bool)
returns true if the protocol is overcollateralized. Overcollateralization is defined as the protocol having more assets in its PCV (Protocol Controlled Value) than the circulating (user-owned) FEI, i.e. a positive Protocol Equity.
function pcvStatsCurrent() external returns (uint256 protocolControlledValue, uint256 userCirculatingFei, int256 protocolEquity, bool validityStatus)
returns the Protocol-Controlled Value, User-circulating FEI, and Protocol Equity, from an actual fresh call to the CollateralizationOracle.
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
protocolControlledValue | uint256 | : the total USD value of all assets held |
by the protocol. | ||
userCirculatingFei | uint256 | : the number of FEI not owned by the protocol. |
protocolEquity | int256 | : the difference between PCV and user circulating FEI. |
If there are more circulating FEI than $ in the PCV, equity is 0. | ||
validityStatus | bool | : the current oracle validity status (false if any |
of the oracles for tokens held in the PCV are invalid, or if
this contract is paused). |
function _readNotPaused() internal returns (bool)