this contract has its own internal ACL. The reasons for doing this and not leveraging core are twofold. One, it simplifies devops operations around adding and removing users, and two, by being self contained, it is more efficient as it does not need to make external calls to figure out who has a particular role.
function constructor(
address coreAddress,
contract IRewardsDistributorAdmin _rewardsDistributorContract,
address[] _autoRewardDistributors
) public
Name | Type | Description |
coreAddress | address | address of core contract |
_rewardsDistributorContract | contract IRewardsDistributorAdmin | admin rewards distributor contract |
_autoRewardDistributors | address[] | list of auto rewards distributor contracts that can call this contract |
function _setPendingAdmin(
address newPendingAdmin
) external
Begins transfer of admin rights. The newPendingAdmin must call _acceptAdmin
to finalize the transfer.
Admin function to begin change of admin. The newPendingAdmin must call _acceptAdmin
to finalize the transfer.
Name | Type | Description |
newPendingAdmin | address | New pending admin. |
function _acceptAdmin() external
Accepts transfer of admin rights. msg.sender must be pendingAdmin
Admin function for pending admin to accept role and update admin
function _grantComp(
address recipient,
uint256 amount
) external
Transfer COMP to the recipient
Note: If there is not enough COMP, we do not perform the transfer all.
Name | Type | Description |
recipient | address | The address of the recipient to transfer COMP to |
amount | uint256 | The amount of COMP to (possibly) transfer |
function _setCompSupplySpeed(
address cToken,
uint256 compSpeed
) external
Set COMP speed for a single market. Callable only by users with auto rewards distributor role
Name | Type | Description |
cToken | address | The market whose COMP speed to update |
compSpeed | uint256 |
function _setCompBorrowSpeed(
address cToken,
uint256 compSpeed
) external
Set COMP speed for a single market Callable only by users with auto rewards distributor role
Name | Type | Description |
cToken | address | The market whose COMP speed to update |
compSpeed | uint256 |
function guardianDisableSupplySpeed(
address cToken
) external
Set COMP supply speed for a single market to 0 Callable only by the guardian or governor
Name | Type | Description |
cToken | address | The market whose COMP speed to set to 0 |
function guardianDisableBorrowSpeed(
address cToken
) external
Set COMP borrow speed for a single market to 0 Callable only by the guardian or governor
Name | Type | Description |
cToken | address | The market whose COMP speed to set to 0 |
function _setContributorCompSpeed(
address contributor,
uint256 compSpeed
) external
Set COMP speed for a single contributor
Name | Type | Description |
contributor | address | The contributor whose COMP speed to update |
compSpeed | uint256 | New COMP speed for contributor |
function _addMarket(
address cToken
) external
Add a default market to claim rewards for in claimRewards()
Name | Type | Description |
cToken | address | The market to add |
function _setImplementation(
address implementation_
) external
Set the implementation contract the RewardsDistributorDelegator delegate calls
Name | Type | Description |
implementation_ | address | the logic contract address |
function compSupplySpeeds(
address cToken
) external returns (uint256)
view function to get the comp supply speeds from the rewards distributor contract
Name | Type | Description |
cToken | address | The market to view |
function compBorrowSpeeds(
address cToken
) external returns (uint256)
view function to get the comp borrow speeds from the rewards distributor contract
Name | Type | Description |
cToken | address | The market to view |
function becomeAdmin() public
allow admin or governor to assume auto reward distributor admin role