function create(
contract IExecutorWithTimelock executor,
address[] targets,
uint256[] values,
string[] signatures,
bytes[] calldatas,
bool[] withDelegatecalls,
bytes32 ipfsHash
) external returns (uint256)
Creates a Proposal (needs Proposition Power of creator > Threshold)
Name | Type | Description |
executor | contract IExecutorWithTimelock | The ExecutorWithTimelock contract that will execute the proposal |
targets | address[] | list of contracts called by proposal's associated transactions |
values | uint256[] | list of value in wei for each propoposal's associated transaction |
signatures | string[] | list of function signatures (can be empty) to be used when created the callData |
calldatas | bytes[] | list of calldatas: if associated signature empty, calldata ready, else calldata is arguments |
withDelegatecalls | bool[] | if true, transaction delegatecalls the taget, else calls the target |
ipfsHash | bytes32 | IPFS hash of the proposal |
function cancel(
uint256 proposalId
) external
Cancels a Proposal,
either at anytime by guardian
or when proposal is Pending/Active and threshold no longer reached
Name | Type | Description |
proposalId | uint256 | id of the proposal |
function queue(
uint256 proposalId
) external
Queue the proposal (If Proposal Succeeded)
Name | Type | Description |
proposalId | uint256 | id of the proposal to queue |
function execute(
uint256 proposalId
) external
Execute the proposal (If Proposal Queued)
Name | Type | Description |
proposalId | uint256 | id of the proposal to execute |
function submitVote(
uint256 proposalId,
bool support
) external
Function allowing msg.sender to vote for/against a proposal
Name | Type | Description |
proposalId | uint256 | id of the proposal |
support | bool | boolean, true = vote for, false = vote against |
function submitVoteBySignature(
uint256 proposalId,
bool support,
uint8 v,
bytes32 r,
bytes32 s
) external
Function to register the vote of user that has voted offchain via signature
Name | Type | Description |
proposalId | uint256 | id of the proposal |
support | bool | boolean, true = vote for, false = vote against |
v | uint8 | v part of the voter signature |
r | bytes32 | r part of the voter signature |
s | bytes32 | s part of the voter signature |
function setGovernanceStrategy(
address governanceStrategy
) external
Set new GovernanceStrategy
Note: owner should be a timelocked executor, so needs to make a proposal
Name | Type | Description |
governanceStrategy | address | new Address of the GovernanceStrategy contract |
function setVotingDelay(
uint256 votingDelay
) external
Set new Voting Delay (delay before a newly created proposal can be voted on)
Note: owner should be a timelocked executor, so needs to make a proposal
Name | Type | Description |
votingDelay | uint256 | new voting delay in seconds |
function authorizeExecutors(
address[] executors
) external
Add new addresses to the list of authorized executors
Name | Type | Description |
executors | address[] | list of new addresses to be authorized executors |
function unauthorizeExecutors(
address[] executors
) external
Remove addresses to the list of authorized executors
Name | Type | Description |
executors | address[] | list of addresses to be removed as authorized executors |
function __abdicate() external
Let the guardian abdicate from its priviledged rights
function getGovernanceStrategy() external returns (address)
Getter of the current GovernanceStrategy address
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | address | The address of the current GovernanceStrategy contracts |
function getVotingDelay() external returns (uint256)
Getter of the current Voting Delay (delay before a created proposal can be voted on)
Different from the voting duration
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | uint256 | The voting delay in seconds |
function isExecutorAuthorized(
address executor
) external returns (bool)
Returns whether an address is an authorized executor
Name | Type | Description |
executor | address | address to evaluate as authorized executor |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | bool | true if authorized |
function getGuardian() external returns (address)
Getter the address of the guardian, that can mainly cancel proposals
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | address | The address of the guardian |
function getProposalsCount() external returns (uint256)
Getter of the proposal count (the current number of proposals ever created)
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | uint256 | the proposal count |
function getProposalById(
uint256 proposalId
) external returns (struct IAaveGovernanceV2.ProposalWithoutVotes)
Getter of a proposal by id
Name | Type | Description |
proposalId | uint256 | id of the proposal to get |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | struct IAaveGovernanceV2.ProposalWithoutVotes | the proposal as ProposalWithoutVotes memory object |
function getVoteOnProposal(
uint256 proposalId,
address voter
) external returns (struct IAaveGovernanceV2.Vote)
Getter of the Vote of a voter about a proposal
Note: Vote is a struct: ({bool support, uint248 votingPower})
Name | Type | Description |
proposalId | uint256 | id of the proposal |
voter | address | address of the voter |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | struct IAaveGovernanceV2.Vote | The associated Vote memory object |
function getProposalState(
uint256 proposalId
) external returns (enum IAaveGovernanceV2.ProposalState)
Get the current state of a proposal
Name | Type | Description |
proposalId | uint256 | id of the proposal |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | enum IAaveGovernanceV2.ProposalState | The current state if the proposal |
event ProposalCreated(
uint256 id,
address creator,
contract IExecutorWithTimelock executor,
address[] targets,
uint256[] values,
string[] signatures,
bytes[] calldatas,
bool[] withDelegatecalls,
uint256 startBlock,
uint256 endBlock,
address strategy,
bytes32 ipfsHash
emitted when a new proposal is created
Name | Type | Description |
id | uint256 | Id of the proposal |
creator | address | address of the creator |
executor | contract IExecutorWithTimelock | The ExecutorWithTimelock contract that will execute the proposal |
targets | address[] | list of contracts called by proposal's associated transactions |
values | uint256[] | list of value in wei for each propoposal's associated transaction |
signatures | string[] | list of function signatures (can be empty) to be used when created the callData |
calldatas | bytes[] | list of calldatas: if associated signature empty, calldata ready, else calldata is arguments |
withDelegatecalls | bool[] | boolean, true = transaction delegatecalls the taget, else calls the target |
startBlock | uint256 | block number when vote starts |
endBlock | uint256 | block number when vote ends |
strategy | address | address of the governanceStrategy contract |
ipfsHash | bytes32 | IPFS hash of the proposal |
event ProposalCanceled(
uint256 id
emitted when a proposal is canceled
Name | Type | Description |
id | uint256 | Id of the proposal |
event ProposalQueued(
uint256 id,
uint256 executionTime,
address initiatorQueueing
emitted when a proposal is queued
Name | Type | Description |
id | uint256 | Id of the proposal |
executionTime | uint256 | time when proposal underlying transactions can be executed |
initiatorQueueing | address | address of the initiator of the queuing transaction |
event ProposalExecuted(
uint256 id,
address initiatorExecution
emitted when a proposal is executed
Name | Type | Description |
id | uint256 | Id of the proposal |
initiatorExecution | address | address of the initiator of the execution transaction |
event VoteEmitted(
uint256 id,
address voter,
bool support,
uint256 votingPower
emitted when a vote is registered
Name | Type | Description |
id | uint256 | Id of the proposal |
voter | address | address of the voter |
support | bool | boolean, true = vote for, false = vote against |
votingPower | uint256 | Power of the voter/vote |
event GovernanceStrategyChanged(
address newStrategy,
address initiatorChange
Name | Type | Description |
newStrategy | address | |
initiatorChange | address | |
event VotingDelayChanged(
uint256 newVotingDelay,
address initiatorChange
Name | Type | Description |
newVotingDelay | uint256 | |
initiatorChange | address | |
event ExecutorAuthorized(
address executor
Name | Type | Description |
executor | address | |
event ExecutorUnauthorized(
address executor
Name | Type | Description |
executor | address | |